Have you ever been in a gathering where someone has decided to do a spot of footwashing? 😊
I have, and it always provokes a variety of responses. Probably 10% of people whip off their socks and hold out their feet. About 50% will look uncomfortable and say things like ' If I'd known I would have worn clean socks' or, ' Im wearing tights, Im not sure how this is going to work'. Probably 30% will be more than a little uncomfortable and will ask to be excused or give some reason why they really cant do it - but may well be persuaded. And then there will be 10% who totally and genuinely freak out and get somewhat distressed at the very thought of anyone going near their feet.
Interesting isnt it? I wonder if Jesus got a similar response when He washed the disciples feet. It was more of a usual occurrence in those days of course, because people wore sandals and the terrain was dusty and hot . So usually a servant would wash feet when someone entered the house. I suppose a bit like us today asking if we can visit someones bathroom when we arrive for a visit. Perhaps the disciples didnt feel so awkward about the actual foot washing part - but they most certainly did feel completely bewildered and outraged and offended at Jesus taking off His robe and getting down on His hands and knees to them. It was so NOT the done thing. It was probably considered shameful.
Ive been reading a few things about this event and most commentators seem to focus on the servant thing. Jesus humbling Himself to serve those who were about to desert and betray Him etc. But I was struck by another thought - what if Jesus is not only telling us to wash each others feet, but demonstrating how we are to do that. Perhaps, in order to truly serve others with humility and offer them fresh living water to wash the dirt of the world from their souls, we are required to ' undress'. In those days, as in these, people were judged by what they wore. You could probably tell the fishermen from the innkeepers, you could definitely tell the Pharisees and the ruling classes from the rest. Jesus takes off His outer garments - those things which make Him different from others, and stands in his undershirt. In Hebrew the undershirt was referred to as someones nakedness ( because without it they would be completely and utterly naked) So Jesus becomes as good as naked. Just like everyone else. Its ironic that when we picture Jesus on the cross we always see him with a strip of cloth modestly covering His private parts. But He was almost certainly crucified naked. The time He was wearing a piece of cloth round His waist was when He was washing feet.
Its hard to truly serve someone when we feel superior to them in some way. It is equally hard for someone to receive service from us if they consider themselves to be unworthy or us to be elevated. True love one to another - the sort Jesus was demonstrating at the Last Supper - can probably only really be achieved when we are giving and receiving as equals.
15I have set you an example so that you should do as I have done for you. 16Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. John 13.
What do I wear which sets me apart from my fellow man? My pride? My job? My levels of education? The culture into which I was born, my accent, my earnings, the school I went to? The very clothes I wear communicate something about the person I am. As do my expensive haircut, nails and handbag. None of these things are bad in and of themselves. But when we want to reach out to serve others maybe we need to be aware of just what we look and sound like and make every effort to 'take off' anything which could become a barrier to someone receiving blessing, forgiveness, mercy and love. We most certainly need to divest ourselves of attitudes of superiority and pride. This becomes easier when we recognise that we are the greatest of sinners and that even we have been washed by Jesus, He who had no sin.
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